Prof. Ahmad Ali Nurdin, P.hD.
Khaerul Umam, S.IP., S.E., M.Ag.
H. Faizal Pikri, S.S, M.Ag
Dr. Salamatul Affiyah, M.Si
Mochammad Ichsana Nur, S.IP.,MA
Fitri Pebrianur W, S.IP.,M.AP
Idah Wahidah, S.IP., MH., M.AP
Rasdica Denara., S.Sos, M.Si.
Widodo Dwi Ismail Azis, S.IP.
Diki Suherman, S.IP., M.Kp.
Farhan Rahmawan Halim
Rohman Hakim
Oneng Purnama
Wildan Ahmil Kautsar
Agustian Nugraha
Supi Ainul Lutpi
For more information about the conference, please contact the organizing committee here
Contact: 0856-5990-7668 (M. Ichsana Nur)