The 2nd SGD-CPAPIT is an acronym for Sunan Gunung Djati Conference on Public Administration Practice in Islamic Taught. The Department of Public Administration FISIP UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, organized this conference. In general, this conference’s program is a seminar by inviting influential international and national figures in this country. In addition, there is a Conference that gives presenters the chance to discuss recent developments in the field of Public Administration studies as well as exchange fresh ideas and present the findings of their research. We anticipate that the outcomes of this conference will significantly advance both public administration research and national development.


The conference’s outcome is the publication of the presenter’s research findings within the terms of the conference, which are then included in Scopus publications.

Conference Theme

Resilience and Agility in Time of Crises

Conference Sub-Theme

1. The Pursuit of Digital Transformation

a. Public Administration and Digital Transformation

b. Digital Economy and Business

c. Digitalization and Social Impact

d. Big Data

2. Resilience and Agility of The Government

a. Agile Governance in Time of Crisis

b. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

c. Bureaucracy and Dynamic Governance

d. Accountability and Performance in Public Service

3. Social, Political, and Legal Developments

a. Political Law Issues

b. Religious Practice and Social Change

c. Leadership and Crisis


  1. The paper presented results from research or Literature Studies;
  2. Intended for Academics, both Lecturers and Students, or practitioners; and
  3. Papers presented may be done individually or in collaboration.


Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UIN SGD Bandung

Staytune! on June 2023

Important Dates

International Seminar The 2nd SGD CPAPIT

Our Speakers

Announced soon

Further Information

For more information about the conference, please contact the organizing committee here


Publication Opportunity

Opportunity for authors to be published in several SINTA indexed journals

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